Monday, October 5, 2009

Dads Missing Their Kids

Okay, I'll admit it. When the kids go out the door to school, I miss them. It's hard when they're away, and you're missing all those infintesimal and yet infinite moments when they learn something new. Maybe a lesson about themselves, or the way to treat others, or how mean (or nice) their colleagues in the business of being kids can be. A child's first step or first word can be recorded or photographed for posterity, and yet the journey they start with their first foray into mobility or communication never truly ends.

Dan Johnson is a buddy of mine and he posted a song on YouTube that got me thinking about the ties that bind a father to a child. Check it out at

I didn't tear up when I watched the video and heard the song. At least, that's what my Dad might tell me. Frankly, sometimes I think as fathers we're too worried about projecting a movie-screen image to our kids of what a father should be. Shouldn't we be more concerned about showing our kids how human a father can be? Everytime I lose my temper with my sons, or say something to them that I instantly regret, I feel like the world's worst Dad. Then I model contrition, my kids model forgiveness, and we all get a bit better at this thing called love.

I'm eyeballs-deep in writing about the father experience and it'd be great to hear your hopes, challenges, successes and "learning moments" as a Dad. Please share them via the comments section on this Blog, and perhaps we can all learn from each other.

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