Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Balloon Boy: What's This Mean for Fathers?

It's been several days since the nation (at least the people who watch cable news channels with nothing better to televise) were transfixed by the Henne family's weather balloon hoax. Hearing and watching the coverage in Denver that day and since has been a non-stop roller coaster of emotion. My first thoughts, probably like yours, were fear for the family, a pit in my stomach for their loss, and anger at parents putting a child in harm's way. No, inviting their child into harm's way.

What drives a parent to convince their children to lie to authorities, just to stage an elaborate fake emergency? How starved for attention (and desperate) must the father, Richard Henne, be? What's really important to take away from this?

My sons reminded me of the "boy who cried wolf" fable as we talked about the balloon ruse. Henne has now completely compromised his believability for any future endeavor. His kids will bear the scars of a public undressing for years to come. Their mother (Richard Henne's wife) may have been a willing accomplice, unwitting dupe or simply scared and intimidated. Chances are, a bit of all three.

Children learn the limits of legality and morality from their parents. My sons don't see the difference between a "white lie" and a lie. Reflecting back on the sad saga of the balloon boy, I'm not sure I can make that distinction anymore. Regardless of the reasons, self-serving or sanctimonius, it's never right to pressure your kids to enable your bad behavior.

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