Monday, September 13, 2010

Kids and Homework

I'll admit, I'm baffled by much of the math homework that my 10-year old son Nick brings home from fifth grade. Thank goodness the teachers post an "answer key" along with tips on problem solving on the school's Web site. My last math class was during my junior year in high school, around the time the dinosaurs died off. What I think I recall from high school is some basic algebra and that a black bunny and a white bunny will have four "bunettes", one black, one white, and two white/black combinations. If I'm wrong, may Einstein have mercy on my soul.

More challenging initially than the homework itself, was getting both Nick and his younger brother Chris to dedicate time to complete their assignments. Terry and I have come to agree that setting aside a specific window for the boys, where all four of us are dedicated to their homework, has helped avoid potential battles.

The kids come home and immediately head for a snack. After a long day at school, just like an adult coming home from work, the last thing they want to more work. After dinner, and before any dessert, the boys bring their homework to the table and plug away, number "two" pencils in hand. This gives their parents a chance to wash dishes, talk a bit about our days, and be available to answer any questions that come up. Or rush to the computer for the answer key!

Having a set time for tasks like homework or music practice means the kids have no surprises, and are able to understand that their commitments require attention. It occurs to me now that my work day goes much smoother when I keep to a regular schedule. Maybe it's not too late to learn something from fifth grade!

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